Explore the Artist Interview in Arterritory



Posted by Katrin Valgemäe on

Wild Women, House Pets, and Everything In Between. Forget your typical "lady and her cat" clichés. This exhibition takes the duality of woman and beast and cranks it up to eleven! The artworks poke fun at our expectations—women as delicate, animals as savage—but flip the script. Is the cat truly domesticated? Is the woman truly civilized? With a wink to camp and a roar of rebellion, this series explores the wildness inside us all. One minute she’s serving tea, the next, she's baring her claws—reminding us that the boundaries of control and chaos are only as real as we make them.

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Posted by Katrin Valgemäe on

I’ve never seen art as separate from who I am. The more I evolve, the more my art breaks the mold. I’m interested in truth. In pushing boundaries. Every piece I make is a reflection of the chaos I live, the battles I fight. It’s about ripping myself open and spilling out whatever’s inside. Growth doesn’t come from doing things right—it comes from tearing down the old. From letting your art be a mess. My art evolves because I do, and not always in some smooth, polished way. It’s jagged. It’s messy. It’s growth with sharp edges. But that’s where...

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The influence of art in the interior: how "Pedigree" sets the tone at Thai Boh restaurant

Posted by Katrin Valgemäe on

The influence of art in the interior: how "Pedigree" sets the tone at Thai Boh restaurant Thai Boh is no ordinary restaurant – it's a haven for those who enjoy the unexpected, where the walls scream color and the air hums with reverence. I have invested several months of my time in completing the interior of this restaurant. I've curated color schemes, designed countless details, and painted miles of surfaces. "Pedigree," a piece from my Helsinki exhibition "Queens of Chaos," now rightfully claims its place on Thai Boh's golden brick wall. The painting seamlessly blends into the restaurant's eclectic aesthetic,...

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Femme Fiasco, Vilnius 29.08.2024

Posted by Katrin Valgemäe on

In my electrified painting series "Femme Fiasco," featuring bold colors, exaggerated expressions, and irreverent humor, where I explore the symbiosis of women and animals as a fusion of nature and social identity. I remind myself, above all, that with my quirks, flaws, and complexities, often perceived as "fiascos". I am instead confronted with the force of nature and a unique value that must be acknowledged, embraced, and celebrated. "Femme Fiasco" invites viewers on a rollercoaster journey through the winding paths of marsh mice and identity.  ____//____ Julgete värvide, liialdatud ilmete ja lugupidamatu huumoriga elektrifitseeritud maaliseerias "Femme Fiasko", käsitlen naist ja...

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Katrin Valgemäe: Looming, kus on ohtralt elustiili maanilist paroodiat

Posted by Katrin Valgemäe on

Katrin Valgemäe: Looming, kus on ohtralt elustiili maanilist paroodiat 13. dets 2023 Loomeinkubaatori inkubatsiooniprogrammis osaleb Katrin Valgemäe, kes on maalikunstnik. Lisaks lõuendile ja keraamikale loodud maalidele, leiab tema loomingut ka trükitoodetel, nagu näiteks põlled ja pajalapid. Uurisime Katrini käest, mis teda maalimise juures inspireerib ja millistel põnevatel näitusel on võimalus tema teoseid näha. Katrin Valgemäe, foto: Iris Kivisalu Milline on sinu enda taust? Kust sai alguse huvi kunsti vastu?  Olen lõpetanud EKA maalikateedri ja täiendanud ennast Läti Kunstiakadeemias maali erialal ja EKA-s keraamika erialal. Joonistama hakkasin lapsena – tegin sugulastest ühe joonega saržilikke portreid, kui nad meil külas pika laua...

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