16 Round Princesses
Posted by Katrin Valgemäe on
In “16 Round Princesses,” artist Katrin Valgemäe reflects on her life and legacy through self-portraiture and humor. The series addresses the generational experiences of women in her family—her grandmother, mother, and daughter—confronting the ideals of femininity, love, and the fairy-tale dream of eternal happiness. Valgemäe uses humor and irony to explore the gap between childhood fantasies and the realities of adult life. This series ultimately questions the societal expectations of women and the pursuit of perfection.
Contemporary Capitalist
Posted by Katrin Valgemäe on
In the exhibition “Contemporary Capitalist,” Katrin Valgemäe revisits her childhood in the USSR and the early 1990s in newly independent Estonia. Drawing from her memories of Finnish TV, advertisements, and foreign goods, she explores the paradox of being an outsider to the capitalist “paradise.” Through personal, nostalgic recollections and distorted memories, Valgemäe builds a playful reality that merges socialist influences with modern life, creating a symbiosis that evokes recognition yet feels uniquely new.